Biking (Mountain) Biking (Mountain)


  • Apr 8
  • 08:30:00
  • 1100 Preston Ave - A.K.A. Sugar Mountain


  • Apr 8
  • 15:00:00
  • Ridgeside B&B


  • Apr 8
  • 01:00:00


  • $0.00


yoo Famm,

If you couldn’t tell by the recent hail and wide range of temperature changes, Spring has sprung!!! ~And we all know what that means… its time to shred!!~

Our ODC friendz, at the beautiful Ridgeside B&B in Afton, have been nice enough to let us help build their tasty single track – so tasty you’ll be satiated full for dayz, maybe even weeks. W will be taking lots of breaks and if you ever get board there is a home-grown climbing barn, beautiful land to wander (with a creek), and the cutest lil pup known to all of the shred gods (

Not only is building trail fun as heck, but we will get to ride on whatever we develop. Trail building is the highest offering to the shred gods and goddesses a shredder can make, so you know your shred-wards will be of the highest quality.

The Plan:
– Leave town around 8.30
– Arrive at 9
– Get to work
– Shred
– Leave at around 1pm
~~Other cars can leave earlier/later need be
– Be back by 2ish

What to bring:
– Lotsa Water
– Snacks to share with me
– Clothes/boots that can get dirty
– Bike if you wanna ride

**You’re responsible for coordinating the transport of a mountain bike**

I will leave you with some wise words of a famous shredder to help you decided about coming on this trip:

“Life does not owe me a shred, but I owe my life to the shred.”
Thomas ShrEdison




Trips Attended: 60 Trips Led: 29

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