Echols Dorm: Brick Wall By Side Door
New River Gorge
Climb at the New for the weekend!
For this trip, you must be able to belay and must be solid 5.8 climber or better.
Depending on who/what gear is needed, I may just grab it myself or may hold gear room sometime on Thursday. I will also look for someone to help with groceries at 8:30 Thursday evening. Email me if you are interested.
We’ll leave after school/work and drive about 3.5 hrs to the New River Gorge in WV. There we will camp Friday night, climb Saturday and Sunday returning late on Sunday night.
Club provides: gas $$, 3 meals Saturday, breakfast and lunch Sun. any climbing gear you need. any camping gear you need.
You bring: DISHES AND UTENSILS so that you don’t have to eat off the ground with your hands! 2L+ water, money for road food (Friday dinner, Sunday dinner), snacks, your camping and climbing gear, rain coat, camera, sunscreen, backpack to carry climbing gear (for ~1 mile)