Echols Dorm: Brick Wall By Side Door
Walnut Creek Park
Creekathon is upon us, and the sky is opening up its heart to our deepest, darkest, shreddiest desires. Even if your extremities tremble at the very thought of riding a mountain bike (Will it be hard? kinda. Will I fall? probably.), this trip is still for you. Let us share and learn the art of Shred together.
Beginners and Regulars alike are welcome on this trip. I hope to get a big crew of riders out there (let’s use every club bike we have). My dream is to go early with a group of Shreddy-Deluxes and ride hard for a bit before meeting up with this group for a relaxing stroll around the lake.
-Must enjoy hearing shrieks of joy echoing throughout the trails
-Must have a “can-do attitude” (available at any gas station)
-Must empty bowels pre-shredding
-Must enjoy food and bringing food to share at Creekathon
-Meet at Echols dorm around 10
-Load up and head out to the Nut
-Ride for a few miles (get sweaty enough to swim in the lake)
-Meet up with the rest of the Ratpack to eat delicious food with friends
-Dish to share with the crew (club provides burgers/dogs/veggieshits)
-Bike/helmet (club can provide some – first come, first served)
-2L water minimum + backpack to carry your water
-Trail snacks (bars, dingleberries, etc.)
-2 high quality, original jokes to tell me in private so I can use them