Echols Dorm: Brick Wall By Side Door
Ray's Campground (Hico, WV)
On Day 1 of last year’s NRGE I checked out this new network of trails near the Kaymoor Mines called Arrowhead Trails. I arrived at the campsite later than expected and it was dark, but I was itchin’ to ride so I strapped on the lights and went exploring. I was pleasantly surprised at how fast and consistent those network for trails were. Now that I know what I’m getting into, I’m pumped to check them out in the daylight. C’mon out with me if your time allows; these trails are great for all levels. My plan is to take Friday off and head out to Ray’s Campground early. I’m setting a tentative meeting time at Echols for 9:30, but this might change. My schedule will be up in the air until I solidify the logistics for other NRGE trips, but we’ll certainly leave Friday AM to get to WV for plenty of daylight. If all goes to plan we’ll grab lunch on the road then roll into Ray’s Campground and set up camp. After we get organized we’ll take the short drive to the trailhead and tear into it for 2-3 hours (if we still feel like riding after shredding Arrowhead we could do a short out-and-back on the neighboring Kaymoor Mines Trail) then head back to camp to get the gig rollin’!
For more info, including a little history, about the trails:–The-story-of-Arrowhead-Trails.html?nav=5004
Trail Map:
For more info about the NRGE check out:
This trip is part of the New River Gorge Extravaganza so if you make it onto this adventure list please withdraw from my “Base Camp” adventure (see above). However, Your name will be added to the waitlist upon joining as I will need drivers to make this work. I will be able to tote 4 bikes and 1 person; the more folks who sign up who can drive and tote bikes the bigger I will be able to make this trip.
We’ll be staying at Ray’s Campground:
There is plenty of space, bathrooms/showers, firewood to purchase, and good people. For directions you can follow the link above or the “adventure destination” link posted with this adventure.
The club will cover part of your camp fee ($9.00 per person per night)
For now I am putting down $20 to cover lodging fees, food, ga$, and camping gear rental. This is the same $20 from the Base Camp adventure, not in addition to. I’m working on a better fee estimate so it might get reduced, but plan for $20.
THE CLUB PROVIDES: Camping gear (limited availability) including tents, sleeping bags and pads, bikes and helmets (limited numbers and sizes), some gas money, some food, and some lodging fees.
YOU SHOULD BRING: Your camping gear, your bike and helmet if you have them, clothes (prep for cool nights and mornings) including athletic wear for the ride (no baggy pants!), flashlight, towel, toiletries, sunscreen, money (for restaurant dining, snacks/drink, etc.)