Echols Dorm: Brick Wall By Side Door
Peak Experiences Climbing Gym
College night at peak is now $10 :-/ however, we get a group rate of $9 if we have 5 or more people on whatever night of the week we choose. So, welcome to the new peak night… TUESDAY. After careful research with the staff, it was concluded that tuesday night is the least busy. also, they put up new routes on tuesdays if you are ever interested in how that works. and more also it is ladies night so there are free clinics for ladies and well, that can’t hurt you guys.
Meet at Echols at 5:15 if you need gear, 5:30 if you don’t. We will return around midnight.
The trip size is set at 5 until I have more drivers. Also, I will limit the number of non-belayers but don’t distress, it is rarely a problem.
You bring: $9 admission fee, some cash for a snack at Sheetz afterward, any gear you have, and gym clothes (no short shorts, you and everybody else will regret it).