Echols Dorm: Brick Wall By Side Door
Do you love hiking? Are you also drowning in an unexpected onslaught of readings and assignments? Then don’t worry, because I have the answer to your dilemma: a saturday morning hike at Spy Rock! Not only will the weather (hopefully) be a little less heatstroke-inducing, but you’ll have the whole rest of the day to do homework! It’s a win-win situation!
The total hiking distance is about 3 miles, which some really beautiful 360 degree views at the summit. There’s a significant elevation gain/loss, so be prepared to sweat. Total, it should take us no longer than 5 hours (including driving, hiking, and chill time at the summit).
DRIVERS NEEDED & will be reimbursed for gas (plus a 50% tip)!! Everyone will be wait listed until we find someone with the good fortune of having a car.
Priority goes to drivers!!
What to bring:
Hiking boots/sturdy shoes
Water (2-3 liters)!!
A camera, if that’s your thing
Weather-appropriate clothing