Hi beautiful people,
Do you wish you could go on more trips but they fill up too fast? Or are you a seasoned trip leader who wants to learn more about how we are working with COVID-19 protocol?
Come to our trip leader workshop at 7pm on Wednesday, March 10th! Anna, Mason, and newly minted officer John Coney will be giving you all the basics you need to lead your very first trip as well as COVID-19 specific trip leading guidelines.
This trip will be over zoom so there is no enrollment cap and we’ll be posting the zoom link back here as the date gets closer! Join the meeting at 7 here: https://virginia.zoom.us/j/95539238878?pwd=VjNVODkxbzBDMTBNajloaVBVTmFTQT09
Happy Trails,
Happy shredding,
Anna and Mason and John