
  • View Number Of Active Memberships

    View how many members have active memberships. The memberships from 2006 and on count how many memberships were activated in that time period, which is not the same as how many were active during that time period. >> Execute

  • Number Of Trips Led

    Shows how many trips each member has led in the past 12 months. >> Execute

  • Number Of Trips Attended

    Shows how many trips each member has attended in the past 12 months. >> Execute

  • Number Of Times Member Has Been Waitlisted

    Shows how many times each member has been waitlisted for a trip in the past 12 months. >> Execute

  • Show Stale E-Mails

    Show the e-mail addresses of people that joined more than 2 weeks ago but haven't sent in their dues. >> Execute

  • Number Of Trips Attended For All Years

    Who is the record holder for most trips attended over the course of all the years. >> Execute

  • Number Of Trips Led For ALL YEARS

    Shows how many trips each member has led while the club has existed online. >> Execute

  • Duplicate Members

    Shows members that could be duplicates. >> Execute

  • Gender And Student/NonStudent Report

    Shows the number of students/non-students and the number of males/females. >> Execute

  • Number Of Joins Per Date

    Number of people that joined on the website by date. >> Execute

  • Number Of Activations Per Date

    Number of people that were activated on the website by date. >> Execute

  • Show Waitlist Sizes

    Shows how many people are attending and how many are waitlisted for each upcoming adventure. >> Execute

  • Trips Led And Attended By Member

    This allows you to query the number of trips led and attended by a member. To use this, insert a "?arg=member+name" after the report/execute/number in the url. >> Execute

  • Show Officers

    Shows who is labeled as an officer on the website. >> Execute

  • Show Active Trip Leaders

    Show Names/Emails of all active members marked as leaders. >> Execute

  • Show Treasurers

    Shows who is labeled as a treasurer on the website. >> Execute

  • Show Quartermasters

    Shows who is labeled as a quartermaster on the website. >> Execute

  • Show Activators

    Shows who is labeled as an activator on the website. >> Execute

  • Show Detailed Demographics (current Members)

    This groups CURRENT members by (1) Age, (2) Gender, and (3) whether they are a student. >> Execute

  • Age Demographics

    If you don't want the nitty gritty from the above report, you can just get the distribution of ages here. And yes, there are apparently jerks that put in the current year as their birth date (resulting in ages of 0 or 1) . >> Execute

  • Show All Minors That Have Or Will Become Majors During Membership

    These are all the current members that were minors when they joined. They have either become majors or will become majors soon. Note that some birthdates need to be updated. >> Execute

  • Stats On When Accounts Are Created

    I'm really just interested in semester vs. summer. >> Execute

  • Histogram Of Trips Attended

    How many people are attending how many trips? >> Execute

  • Number Of Trips To A Destination

    This allows you to query the number of trips to a destination. To use this, insert a "?arg=destination+name" after the report/execute/number in the url. >> Execute

  • Current Memberships

    Want to know who's got what active memberships THIS second? >> Execute

  • Member_Absence

    Lists all members with absences and the number of absences. Also lists the severity and the comment. >> Execute

  • Show Current Member Emails

    To help with emailing woes. >> Execute

  • Trips Within The Past Year, By Activity

    Tabulates the number of trips, attendees, and waitlisted by activity type within the past year. NOTE: many adventures offer more than one activity type, so this is not an accurate means to find total number of adventures or total attendance.. >> Execute

  • Worst Absences

    When is the worst time to lead a trip - respective of absences? >> Execute

  • Find Alumni Email List

    Our best guess at who are alumni. >> Execute

  • Show Gear We Own

    See above >> Execute