Corner Of Echols Dorm
Also Corner of Echols Dorm
Turk Mountain Trailhead, Waynesboro, VA, USA
Hey y’all,
With all the tragedy that happened this week, I really want some time outdoors to stare at lovely mountains and spend time with lovely people. Turk Mtn is one of my favorite hikes, and it’s super easy and beginner-friendly. I’m thinking we head out, hike in, do some staring/journaling/meditating, and then head out before it gets dark.
The alltrails:–2
What to bring:
-sturdy shoes
-more cozy layers than you think necessary (it’s gonna be cold!)
-journal/pen/pencils/whatever else you want to bring
-12: meet at echols and head out
-12:45-1ish: arrive at turk mtn trailhead
-1-2: hike in
-2-3ish: enjoy the views
-3-4: hike out
-4-5: head back
*I NEED A DRIVER* because I do not have a car
A person with a car with lots of room will get priority off the waitlist!