Caving Caving


  • Apr 19
  • 05:00 PM
  • Corner Of Echols Dorm


  • Apr 20
  • 10:00 PM
  • homeeeee


  • Apr 19
  • 10:00 AM


  • $freeeeee


  • Franklin, WV, USA


This past weekend I crossed my 100 hours in a cave with ODC! To celebrate, I want to start a new tradition known as Caving Extravaganza! This will be one of the most advanced trips of the year not due to difficulty of the caves but we will be caving for around 8 hours! That being said I will be semi picky on who I let off on the waitlist! I am doing this because I want to prioritize safety first and foremost. Caving more than 4 hours is exhausting and requires additional care and effort to stay safe! That being said, don’t take this as a reason not to sign up! If I have enough advanced cavers sign up, I will be more lenient with who can come!

ITS GONNA BE SO HELLA FUN!! You only need one prior cave experience to qualify for this trip so if you have been caving, sign up! If you have been waiting for a fun challenge or new caving experience, this is the cave trip! If you haven’t caved in a while but want one more legendary trip before the end of the year, this is the cave trip! If you wanna cave, COME CAVE!!!! When and doubt come cave!!!

Also if you want to go camping with some chill people, we will be leaving Friday night and camping about 3 minutes drive from the caves and have an epic night of vibes and laughs followed by a full Saturday of caving! We will return to Charlottesville Saturday night!

** Need a driver, you get priority off the waitlist!

5:00 PM Leave Charlottesville, stop at a Walmart or something to grab grub
7:30 PM Arrive at the campsite, set up camp, vibe for the night
9:00 AM Wake up and prep for all day caving
10:00 AM Head to the caves, get ready!!!
10:30 AM Start caving at New Trout (this cave requires a N95 mask just because of the dust and soot. If you have medical issues that prevents you from wearing this type of mask, you can still attend the trip but will only be able to cave in Hamilton)
2:30 PM Finish caving at New Trout, take a chill break, eat lunch, absorb some sun before heading underground
3:30pm Arrive at Hamilton and start caving (no masks needed)
7:30 PM Finish caving, pack up and head back to Charlottesville
10:00 PM Be back in Charlottesville!

Gear: You absolutely need all the gear listed! Please contact me ASAP if you cannot get everything on this list! I know this is an intimidating list so if you have any concerns please please please contact me!

Gear we have:
– Caving helmet
– No fewer than 2 working headlamps
– Gloves
–Knee pads (optional)
– Tents
– Camp Stove, pots
– First Aid
–Water Jug
–N95 masks

Gear to Bring:
– Water (2+ water bottles in case we can’t find somewhere to fill waters)
– 24 hour emergency food supply (just anything that can last you a days worth of meals, worst case scenario type of thing)
– A container for any human waste – pack it in, pack it out (like a small screwable Tupperware or old water bottle works)
– Clothes that can get dirty/ripped/ruined (Long pants, and long sleeves are mandatory- please try to avoid cotton at least for your socks)
– Close toed shoes that can get dirty/ripped/ruined (sneakers or hiking boots, something along these lines)
– At least 1 spare light (can be a headlamp or flashlight or even your phone )
– A bag or backpack that can get dirty/ripped/ruined (can be found at the gear room as well, I also have some extra)
– Clean clothes/shoes for the car (please please! Also make sure you bring layers! It is still a little chilly out!)
– Sleeping bag (gear room)
–Sleeping pad (gear room)
– Food (dinner for Friday night, breakfast, lunch and dinner for Saturday, snacks)
–Warm layers (jackets, long pants, hats, gloves, etc. anything to stay warm for the night/ in the cave)
– Toiletries

Gear we have extra but please first try to bring your own. If you cannot get your own please notify us ASAP:
– A trash bag for hypothermia kit (Hefty trash bags work well, we have never had to use the hypothermia kit but again just in case)
– Trash bag for dirty clothes, shoes, and backpack (make sure it’s big enough and can be the same trash bag as hypothermia kit)
– AAA batteries (like 6)

Important notes:
– You MUST read the Caving Checklist provided by the club. It can be found under the Resources tab on the website. I have also linked it here:
– You are responsible for gathering all of your own equipment. Most of the gear is available at the club’s gear room.
– You should be comfortable crawling around in tight spaces and being in the dark.
– Because caving is such a dangerous sport, I will be very strict in ensuring you have the proper equipment (i.e., if you are not properly equipped with EVERYTHING mentioned above, you are not entering the cave). Please please please reach out to me with gear concerns! I can help you get everything on the list!
– It is a good idea to not have anything massively important scheduled for the evening of the trip in the unlikely event we are delayed

If you have any questions or concerns or are unable to pick up gear, my phone number is (970) 294- 8781 (Allie) or (757) 985-9543 (Lillie). Also feel free to reach out to me if you just want to talk about the trip! Caving is a super intimidating sport so feel free to reach out to me with anything! See you all Friday!


Alexandria (Allie)


Trips Attended: 44 Trips Led: 20



Trips Attended: 72 Trips Led: 14

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