Echols Dorm: Brick Wall By Side Door
Echols Dorm: Brick Wall By Side Door
Rivanna Wall
**There are three sessions of this trip – make sure you know which one you’re on! You can join the waitlist for multiple sessions if you’re available for more than one time**
Climbing is scary, but a lot less so if there’s a rope to catch you when you fall. Someone has to hold that rope on the other end. That’s called BELAYING, and you’ll learn everything you need to know to climb and belay safely in a gym or pre-set outdoor anchor.
The Plan:
12:00PM Depart from Echols, drive to Rivanna Wall
12:15PM-2:00PM Anna and I will demonstrate and walk you through your first climb, step by step. You’ll get to climb and belay 2-3 times more for practice.
Return to Echols by 2:15PM
-Comfortable/athletic clothes
-Water bottle
We’ll have all the other equipment you need when you arrive at the wall.
DRIVER NEEDED – Gas not reimbursed but it’s like a 7 minute drive