Echols Dorm: Brick Wall By Side Door
New River Gorge
Plan is to leave Friday Morning at 10 am (SHARP) and head to climb in the meadow river somewhere and camp on the meadow river that night (camping will cost nothing that night). Saturday’s climbing schedule is flexible and we will crash at gauley fest ($15 which is on you). Sunday is probably going to be a mixed adventure. I may be trying to raft, but there will likely be one qualified person heading out climbing. We will arrive back in charlottesville late Sunday night.
Climbing Requirements: Top Rope 5.10 (Let me know if you are interested in learning to lead belay)
You provide:
– Sleeping bag
– Tent
– Climbing shoes, harness, and chalk
– A bathing suit and such if you are interested in rafting
– Bottles for Water
– Bug Spray
– Sunscreen
– Headlamp
– Eating utensils
We provide:
– Food
– Gas
– A good time