Bonnycastle Circle
Walnut Creek Park
This is it! The 429th annual end-of-year Outdoors at UVA Walnut Creekathon on 4/29/09.
For members new to the club this year, the Creekathon is our annual end-of-year cookout/potluck/picnic at Walnut Creek Park in Albemarle County. It’s always a great time with good food and good people. We have reserved one of the shelters at the park, complete with grill and picnic tables. The club covers all burgers (of both the meat and veggie varieties), hotdogs, buns, condiments, and utensils, and everyone who comes brings an additional food/drink item (salad, veggies, dip, chips, soft drinks, cookies, brownies, etc.).
In addition to picking up your tab for burgers and dogs, most of the officers will be leading trips to precede the cookout, so you can rock out with an outdoor activity before chowing down with fellow outdoorists!
We will have 2 shifts of departure from Bonnycastle Circle: the first being at 4:30, the second at 5:30. Returns to UVa Grounds will be on an as-needed basis, so don’t worry about getting back, as drivers will be returning at all times of the evening (they have to get back, too, ya know!). Please indicate in the ‘Questions’ section which departure time from UVa you’d like to be in on, or if you will be attending a trip before-hand.
We provide: the main food groups of meat, bread, and condiments; a ride in a car
You provide: an additional awesome food contribution; a smile
NOTE: No alcoholic beverages are permitted at Walnut Creek Park. Please do not bring any beer/wine/liquor to the Creekathon.