Echols Dorm: Brick Wall By Side Door
Walnut Creek Park
Hey, Club!
As our welcome-back gift to you, the officers are hosting a Fall Creekathon to welcome new members and catch up with the old regulars!
For you new members, the Creekathon is a cookout/potluck at nearby Walnut Creek Park in Albemarle County accompanied by various outdoor activities.
Come out for some good food, good people, and good vibrations, and sign up for some of the outdoor trips that day yet to be posted! In the works are mountain-biking, kayaking, frisbee-golfing, trail-running, and slack-lining, among others.
I’m excited to integrate the new members into the social side of our club, and to catch up with all the returning folks.
Potluck style: We will provide burgers (of meat and veggie varieties), dogs, buns, and condiments. You bring a side dish! (For you dorm-dwellers, a side-dish of chips and salsa is just fine).
I will post 3 departure times from grounds; please indicate, when joining the adventure, which time you prefer, and I will try to arrange adequate transportation for everyone.
Looking forward to celebrating the start of a new year with all of you!
~Lila and the Officers