Echols Dorm: Brick Wall By Side Door
Humpback Rocks
yes the most basic of sunrise hikes yet again but i’m getting emo about the fact that i’ll be abroad all next semester & missing out on all the odc adventures so i gotta go out with a bang & hit cvilles signature hike for a final time.
you all know the drill. meet at 5am at echols. we will skeddadle on out of cville & hit the hump in time to see the dawn of a new day.
we will be back by 8am so don’t use studying as an excuse to skip out on this adventure.
things to bring
-proper clothing, it could be 90° it could be 4°
-sturdy shoes
-instruments if you’re talented
-good stories, good playlists, good attitudes
-dogs will get you priority of the waitlist (or cats, ferrets, chinchillas etc i don’t discriminate)
drivers also get priority of the waitlist
-you will get reimbursed + 50%
-fill up before you get to echols & bring those forms filled out