Echols Dorm: Brick Wall By Side Door
Three Ridges
Instead of hiking the whole Three Ridges Loop we will hike down to the AT shelter and follow the Mau-Har trail down to Campbell Creek and to a small swimming hole that is refreshing, but a bit cool! Bring a swimsuit, etc.
Roland is likely to come, so we may also identify a few of the abundant wild edible plants and animal tracks along the way as we pass some good spots for summer berry picking.
It’s an approximately 6 mile hike on a trail that’s rocky and rugged through a beautiful mix of deep and open woods with occasional views of the Blue Ridge within Nelson County. We may hike a little more or a little less depending on our mood and the weather.
We’ll leave Echols around 1pm. I’m not sure *exactly* when we’ll get back since we will take time out for swimming, tea, identifying plants, and/or something completely else.
You provide:
-bug repellent (I might have some extra)
-good hiking shoes, water and snacks
-Swimsuit and towel if you want to swim
The club provides
-A seat in a car and gas money for the driver. Drivers get some preference as usual.