Echols Dorm: Brick Wall By Side Door
Peak Experiences Climbing Gym
Yup, you know what’s up– another Peak trip. I figured people couldn’t handle another “Peak Every Week” email. How boring. Gotta keep it fresh. If you’re not a fan of my cringe-worthy pun, stick around– next week’s creative juices might promise a better one.
Never been to Peak before? No biggie. Just fill out the waiver before we go.
Never climbed before? Don’t sweat it. Even Idaho Jesus had to start somewhere.
To bring:
-10$ for a day pass (and extra $ if you need to rent gear)
-climbing shoes
-belay device
-your lovely singing voice (for the car ride)–beatboxing is also accepted
-sendiness (all of it)
DRIVERS NEEDED! Drivers get priority off the waitlist and will be reimbursed (+50% tip).