Echols Dorm: Brick Wall By Side Door
Swiss, WV - Lower Gauley Take-out
Happy Gauley season! We’ll head out to Swiss Friday night and meet up with Coastal Canoeists and/or a local friend of mine who will guide us down the Lower Gauley on Saturday and possibly the upper G on Sunday. If you’re not ready for the class 5s of the upper section than you can run the lower section again on Sunday with Coastals. You must be a strong intermediate paddler to run the lower section and an advanced paddler to run the upper. Meaning you should have plenty of experience in class 4 rapids, have good eddy turns and ferrying skills, and have a solid combat roll.
I’ve run the Lower Gauley once and it was one of the best experiences of my life. I find it about as challenging as the New River Gorge and equally as beautiful. The difference is that the Gauley has fewer flat water places between rapids, but ends with a 2.5 mile section of flat water to the takeout.
The camp ground at Swiss is awesome: a big field far from civilization and right at the takeout for the lower Gauley run, equipped with 1 portapottie, firepits, and lots of paddlers.
With gas prices high and climbing, the club can’t afford to pay all of the ga$ so you’ll have to pitch in a little, which is the reason for the trip fee. However the club will provide some snacks and food for breakfast, lunch, and dinner on Saturday, and breakfast and lunch on Sunday. If we go out to eat the club will contribute $2/$4/$6 toward breakfast/lunch/dinner. The club also pays for lodging and provides any white water kayaking gear you might need, as well as tents, sleeping bags and pads, and other camping supplies.
You should bring: towel, swimwear, clothes (bring warm clothes), flashlight, snacks, water, money, your gear, tent, sleeping bag & pad, toiletries