Echols Dorm: Brick Wall By Side Door
Shenandoah National Park
We will be doing 12-mi Austin-Furnace Mtn loop in the southern
district of the Shenandoah National Park. This is a moderately
strenuous hike. The circuit will include a 0.1 mi side trip to
Blackrock (elevation 3092 ft), a tumbled mass of lichen-covered
rocks that offers spectacular views. We will have lunch there.
What to bring: lunch, two liters of water, layers of clothing
which you can put on or remove as needed, sunscreen, rain gear,
bug spray if you need, camera, a flashlight just in case.
Please do not wear cotton clothing — if it gets wet from rain
or sweat, it will make and keep you cold when we stop for lunch
and when we descend.