Echols Dorm: Brick Wall By Side Door
Preddy Creek
ANOTHER ONE??? Yep, that’s right! I’m going to try to do two of these on Friday to get more of you off the waitlists! Hopefully I won’t be too exhausted for my trip on Saturday…
*All people will be waitlisted until I can determine what bikes are available*
Hello, my name is Jim Old and I am going to be your tour guide. To what you ask? Oh, just to shredding the gnar…riding the iron horse…sending it…
This trip is designed to give you a quick intro to the basics of mountain biking. You will learn how to brake, shift, lean into turns, and other general biking basics. Think this sounds silly? I assure you that you will learn something! Whether you are a road bike expert and want to feel the freedom mountain biking has to offer, or you haven’t picked up a bike since you were 5, I’m going to make sure you come off the trail feeling like life is just too good to be true!
The Deets:
Leave Echols Brick Wall at the dentist’s favorite time: 2:30pm
Drive 30 minutes to Preddy
Shred the Preddy
Return around 4:30, but no later than 5:30 (depends on the group)
What you need:
Athletic clothes and shoes
A water bottle (filled preferably)
Maybe a snack or two
Gloves are highly encouraged, but not essential
Feel free to contact me with any questions/comments/concerns regarding this trip. or 409-225-8965