Echols Dorm: Brick Wall By Side Door
Preddy Creek
You know what this is…
Come learn how to mountain bike with your coach, me! I’ll teach you the ways, show you the path. Think of me as the equivalent of your Jedi master, but for biking. Instead of the force, its the desire to shred. I want to make YOU into the last beginner group I put forth into the world of mountain biking for this Spring.
*This trip is meant for people who are unsure what their abilities are on a bike or have not been biking in a long time (or ever)* If you feel confident on a bike, check out my Pocahontas trip going out May 8th!
We will be going to Preddy Creek, just on the outskirts of Charlottesville. It is a great place to get your wits about you and learn a little about how to handle a bike.
When: Monday, May 7th at 10 am
Where: Meet at Echols Brick Wall, going to Preddy Creek (~30 minute drive)
When to return: We can be back by 1 pm. Experience tells me that people like to hang around and keep biking if you aren’t time constrained
What do you need?
– Bike and helmet (club can provide)
– 1 liter water
– Gloves recommended
– The desire to learn!