Echols Dorm: Brick Wall By Side Door
Hightop Mountain
Fellow outdoorspeople:
Does the combination of spectacular panoramic views, scintillating conversation, wonderful company, food, and music appeal to you? Has your summer of a 9-5 desk internship left you deprived of sending, shredding, hiking, and peaking, and are you ready to ease your way back into it? Are you a first-year ready for Outdoors Club to change your life? Will the next four months in the depths of Clem 1 leave you at an altitude lower than you’d like? Did you miss another certain sun-related spectacle in the past week and are you looking to redeem yourself? Or did you catch it, and is 2024 too long of a wait for you to see the sun do something beautiful again?
Then this trip is for you.
We’ll leave at 5, do a shortened version of the Hightop mountain hike (but still with a significant elevation gain – 940 feet) at a moderate/fast pace to catch sunrise at the summit. There, we’ll eat breakfast, chill, listen to music, and then begin our descent.
You bring:
-1-2 L of water
-Source of light
-Comfy clothes
-Sturdy shoes
-Shenandoah NP pass (if you have one)
-Breakfast food
-Good vibes
-Music recommendations