Echols Dorm: Brick Wall By Side Door
Dolly Sods
Come explore the rocky plains and upland bogs while catching your last autumn foliage vistas on the Allegheny Plateau during this 2 night backpacking trip. The plan is to arrive Friday night, and hike about one mile by headlamp to our campsite. On Saturday we will explore the wind swept plains and plan our day as we go. On Sunday we will return to our cars, and head back to Charlottesville, making a mandatory pizza stop on the way back.
Expect cold temperatures (snow has appeared in this week’s forecast!) and windy conditions. Heavy rain will cancel the trip. Beginners are welcome. Everyone will be required to provide me with their clothing list for safety reasons (i’ll go over that after you join).
Everyone will automatically go to the waitlist. I will remove people from the waitlist as space in cars becomes available. Please email me if you have any questions.
Club provides:
Gas if you can drive
a seat in a car
Food: saturday’s meals, sunday breakfast, some snacks
Gear: backpacks, sleeping bags, tents, headlamps, water filter, cooking pots/stove
You bring:
jacket / rain gear
warm insulating layers (i’ll go over clothing after you join)
cup (if you want hot chocolate / coffee / tea)
water bottle (1-2 liters)
toiletries (toothbrush, toothpaste, etc.)
money for food on the way there and back
any extra snacks you may want