Student Activities Building Parking Lot
Bearfence Mountain Trail
Well folks, the leaves are changing fast so I am frantically trying to jam trips in before everything is brown. Bearfence is a 1 mile loop hike with some neat rock scrambles and a 360° view at the top.
The Plan:
– 5:15 depart from Student Activities Building
– 6:20 arrive at the Bearfence trailhead
– 6:50 arrive at the summit and watch the sunrise/hang out until ~ 7:20
(depending on warmth/moral)
– 7:45 get back to the trailhead
– 9:00 return to Charlottesville in time for 9:30 classes
What to bring:
– Warm clothing
– Water
– Snacks
– Sturdy shoes
-drivers get priority off the waitlist. The club reimburses for gas +50%
-drivers need to show up to the Student Activities Building with a full tank of gas