116 Washington Avenue - A.K.A. Shred Shack
116 Washington Avenue - A.K.A. Shred Shack
Foxhaven Farm, Charlottesville, VA, USA
Can you imagine a better time than getting to watch the lovely Sophia Benmhend cosplay her 3rd grade recess self and try her darndest to catch every grasshopper in sight? You probably can’t. Couple that with endless (sort of?) meadows of the objectively MOST GLORIOUS GRASS (pictured above), and you’ve got yourself an adventure. This is a SUPER SHORT bike ride and we are extreme beginners in the world of biking, so if you are not training for the 2020 Tour de France fear not. No really, I am the biggest scaredy cat there is and I can do it so you can too. Do note that this is road biking, so be prepared to be around cars and SUPER ALERT for SUPER SAFETY. Speaking of super safety, we will be taking social distancing seriously and masking and so forth, so take your corona spreading shenanigans elsewhere if you can’t manage that.
– picnic foods (you don’t have to be fancy! just some thnax will do)
– some fun stories
– good shoes for biking (I’ll be wearing vans) and bright clothes
– backpack for carrying water/snacks if you have one
– Meet at Shred Shack (116 Washington Ave) at 4:00pm
– Get set up with the perfect bike for your lil (or long) leggos
– Bike the ~1.6 miles (about 20 min) to Foxhaven Farm
– Picanic time and the hour of the field frolic
– Back to shred shack by 6:30
Priority going to people who haven’t been on any trips yet even though we love you all <3