Echols Dorm: Brick Wall By Side Door
James River - Glasgow To Snowden (Balcony Falls)
It appears that the rain gods will be granting local paddler’s wishes this weekend… So lets go kayaking Sunday!
Therefore, this is NOT a first timers trip, and I’ll be limiting attendance to those who have taken the intro to flat water class with Dave Clark or have similar experience AND have paddled a whitewater kayak on a whitewater river at least one additional time (i.e. a previous balcony falls trip, or “Upper James” in Richmond). So please don’t sign up if this is not you.
Knowing how to wet exit is required.
Being proficient at T-rescues is highly recommended.
So should you flip – if you can tuck and count off at least 13 legit seconds before thinking of pulling your skirt, that would be greaattt.
Bring NON-COTTON layers to wear under the wetsuits that the club provides.
Bring your own snacks and beverages. A QUICK Sheetz stop can be accommodated on the way to the river for this.
The venue may be adjusted based on flow conditions – but time and skill wise remain the same.
Your name will go onto the wait-list when you join, then I will move the first driver and then add names in order of those who signed up provided that they are qualified. I’m setting the initial trip max to 5 people as that is the number of boats and bodies I can tote, and the number of drytops that the club has.
I may expand it depending on the number of drivers and boat transporters and advanced paddlers that sign up. If you have a boat and gear and can transport it, you are automatically in.
The Club provides: Boats, gear, boat transport, (including dry tops, wetsuits, a limited selection of gloves and booties), gas for drivers.