Echols Dorm: Brick Wall By Side Door
Lets get out and ride while the weather is still fantastic. This ride is for any level but will be tailored for beginners. We’ll start with a lesson on shifting and riding the club’s front suspension mountain bikes then bike from Echols up to the trailhead on Observatory Hill Rd. The ride pace will be slow with lots of stops to let everyone catch up. You do not need any mountain biking experience to join this trip but should be in decent shape. The current forecast for Thursday is mostly sunny with highs in the low 70s.
The club provides bikes and helmets.
You should bring plenty of water and athletic wear – shorts, shirt, and sneakers. No baggy pants please as the bike’s chain ring will eat them. Please arrive on time and well hydrated. Each bike has a cage for a water bottle. Bike bottles fit best but the cages will fit some 16-20 oz. bottles.
**I’m going to allow 4 folks to join at first since I don’t know the status of our bike inventory and their condition, but can add more peeps once I get everything figured out.