Biking (Mountain) Biking (Mountain)


  • Mar 28
  • 17:00:00
  • Echols Dorm: Brick Wall By Side Door


  • Mar 28
  • 20:00:00
  • Walnut Creek Park


  • Mar 28
  • 10:00:00


  • $0.00


Lets have a late celebration of the early time change this year by having an after work (for me) or after class (most likely for you) trail ride at Walnut Creek Park. WCP has an excellent network of trails ranging from easy terrain to absurdly challenging. We’ll spend most of our time (1-2 hours) shaking the winter cobwebs out of our leg muscles on the easy terrain, but if you are an experienced rider and want to do your own thing, we can make that happen by coordinating a meeting time back at the car. No experience necessary to sign up for this trip. The club has 5 sweet front suspension bikes you can use, and I can transport 5 bikes and people, so that will be the attendee max on this. I can expand the trip if drivers sign up who has a bike rack, or has a car that one of the club’s trunk racks will fit.

The Club provides: Bikes, helmets, water bottles, tools, tire pump, trunk racks

You should bring: water (drink up before we ride, have some on hand while we ride – the bikes have bottle cages – and save some for after the ride), snacks, your bike/helmet if you have one, athletic wear, extra socks (there might be a stream crossing)




Trips Attended: 320 Trips Led: 263

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