Biking (Mountain) Biking (Mountain)
Picnics Picnics
Social Events, Potlucks etc. Social Events, Potlucks etc.


  • Oct 7
  • 11:00:00
  • 116 Washington Avenue - A.K.A. Shred Shack


  • Oct 7
  • 13:00:00
  • Walnut Creek Park


  • Oct 6
  • 13:00:00


  • $0.00


Mountain biking and slacklining are similar in the sense that they both leave you with a warm fuzzy feeling inside, and they might leave you with a few bumps and bruises depending on how badly you want to defy gravity. But, that’s about it. SO LETS GET GNARLY TRY EM BOTH. I don’t mean biking across a slackline, sadly…unless we’re feeling really confident. Maybe soon.

Anyways! What is Creekathon, you say? In the words of Lily, master of walnuts:

“This glorious event is the club’s end of the semester cookout/ mega trip at Walnut Creek Park (~20 mins away).There will be eating, hanging, and general frolicking. BUT the picnic is just the base camp for all sorts of outdoor shenanigans. Leaders set up trips before/ during the cookout at the park or elsewhere. However, it is totally cool to join the main adventure without also joining a side trip. TRIP LEADERS WE NEED YOU”

In the words of me, master of none:
“We’ll be hanging with everyone & I’ll set up a few slacklines and give beginner instructions. You may eat your grilled items on or off of the slackline, but bonus points if you finish an entire burger without falling off of the line (black bean burgers are acceptable). When everyone feels like they’ve mastered slacklining, we’ll throw on some helmets and head out to Walnut Creek’s whimsical trails for introductory mountain biking (1-2 hrs)!”

IF YOU DON”T GET ONTO THIS TRIP and still want to try slacklining, fear not! I’ll leave the lines up for everyone to use while we’re off shredding. The trip title was just clickbait to make this trip seem extra rad. Which it is.

If you join this trip, whether or not you get off the waitlist and still want to attend Creekathon, SIGN UP FOR THE MAIN CREEKATHON CARPOOL TRIP. This will help us officers decide how much food to purchase and to plan ride logistics. I’ll be waitlisting everyone on this trip initially until we figure out bike transport and drivers.

Drivers will get priority for this trip!

Finally, what should you bring?
– Plenty of Water for the day(~2 L)
– Shred attire
– Bike/helmet (club provides if needed)
– Fearless attitude




Trips Attended: 50 Trips Led: 6

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