Echols Dorm: Brick Wall By Side Door
Sugar Hollow
Now that it’s July the blackcap raspberries and wineberries are out and blackberries are on their way! The plan is to hike up the Moorman’s River trail from Sugar Hollow, picking the edible berries we find along the way and stopping for a swim at the swimming hole where the trail crosses Moorman’s River. It’s usually less crowded than Blue Hole, but if the water level is too low, we can hike up to Blue Hole as well after we’ve finished picking berries. Total hiking distance is 4 to 6 miles depending on where we swim.
-Please bring a bag for picking berries, bug repellent, swimsuit, and plenty of water to drink, and whatever snacks you need.
-The club provides carpool money for gas and a seat in a car.
I will expand the adventure as driver’s sign up. See you soon!