Charlottesville High School Tennis Courts
This is an open invitation to anyone interested in learning to play bike polo to join me and the Charlottesville Bike Polo Club at a rookie night held especially for y’all. I can provide mallets, balls, etc. All you need is a bike and a helmet. Hit up Zakey at 571-340-0303 before 3pm tomorrow if you need a bike/helmet and he can hook you up. I also highly recommend bringing water, maybe some snacks. Lights for the ride over wouldn’t hurt either, but I will have a couple to share. We will bike to the court as a group from the University Ave side of the Rotunda at 6:45 p.m. Once there, we will go over basics of the game, practice some skills, and play pick up until 10 p.m. or so. If you need to arrive late or leave early, I can provide directions on getting there and back.
Follow the link below to see videos from this year’s North American Championships.
I also encourage anyone wanting to learn more to join the CBPC and Richmond club’s Facebook groups to stay updated on pickup nights, tournaments, etc.
In shred we trust,