1021 Wertland Street
Meade Park
Please join me for some of my favorite things: biking and the wednesday farmer’s market at Meade Park!!
We will head out from 1021 wertland street (arbitrary location that is not my place of residence) at 2:40pm on Wednesday. I have a pump if you need to pump your tires up. The market is at Meade park which will make the ride about 2 miles. We shall buy beautiful local produce and other delicious goods and then ride off on our aluminum steeds. You are welcome to spend as much time at the market as you want, but I’ll be peeling off for work at 3:30.
You need:
-your own bike
-money (cash is easier but most vendors take cards)
-backpack for your haul
If you are interested in going to the market at a different time it’s from 3-7pm every Wednesday!