Corner Of Echols Dorm
Also Corner of Echols Dorm
White Rock Falls Trailhead, Blue Ridge Parkway, Vesuvius, VA, USA
Hello friends!
The weather is looking positively *minty fresh* up along the Blue Ridge Parkway this Friday, so I thought we could take advantage of the lovely mid-70s weather and go wrangle some rock! The spot we’ll be headed to is known as the Forest (, it’s a small collection of boulders just off of the parkway secluded in a lovely, you’ll never guess, forest. Being the first place I went climbing outside, it’s quite a special place to me and I would love to share it with you! This trip will be beginner friendly (NO OUTDOOR CLIMBING EXP. REQUIRED) and I’ll gladly go over the basics of outdoor bouldering including: spotting, route reading, climbing techniques, and general safety tips.
Considering we’ll be gone for a large portion of the day Friday, here’s what you’ll need:
– Water (2L min)
– snicky snacks + lunch
– climbing shoes (check out gear room)
– chalk (same as above)
– a hoodie (it may be a little chilly in the morning)
I will be bringing plenty of crashpads, stoke, and snacks to share!
Some things to note: ideally we have a second car for hauling pads and people so DRIVERS GET PRIORITY OFF THE WAITLIST; the rain early in the week might leave behind a lot of moisture and if it’s too wet we can’t climb so worst case-scenario we go do humpback rock or something; we’ll be fast and loose with scheduling and we can head home as early or as late as everyone feels, but we’ll certainly be back for 4:20.
Feel free to shoot me an email or text me with any questions
I leave you with this challenge to top my bouldering alliteration:
~before bombastic blue ridge bouldering begins, brethren brashly brush, belying burnished bedrock bereft of beta~