Bonnycastle Circle
Breathing Cave
Why go to Florida or Cancun when you can visit the bowels of the Earth. NOTE: This adventure is limited in size because of equipment limitations and because if there are too many people, it means waiting around a lot in the cold and wet.
Outdoors at UVa provides:
We will provide helmets, gloves, kneepads, flashlights, headlamps, gas for cars, and a seat in a car if you need one.
You must bring:
Make sure and wear clothing you can get wet and dirty. Try your best not to wear any cotton, for that just sucks heat away from you when it’s wet and so you’ll get cold. Good materials include fleece, wool, polypro, etc. Wear several layers including thermals and use your backpack to store extra layers. Good sturdy waterproof boots are prefered but tennis shoes will work just fine.
Here are the prerequisites.
-One flashlight or glow stick (caving safety requires bringing three light sources; we’ll provide two and we need you to provide one)
-A complete change of clothing, including shoes so you don’t muddy up the car on the ride home.
-One trash bag to put your dirty, wet clothing in after we get out of the cave.
-The change of clothing and the trash bag are key. We won’t allow anybody to attend without them.
-Bring a lunch and some snacks you can eat in the cave.
-Bring a bottle of water.
-Bring a some type of pack you can comfortably carry in the cave with you to keep your food and water in.
-Bring a camera in a plastic bag to keep it dry and clean