Biking (Mountain) Biking (Mountain)


  • Nov 19
  • 09:30:00
  • Echols Dorm: Brick Wall By Side Door


  • Nov 19
  • 15:00:00
  • Sherando Lake


  • Nov 17
  • 12:00:00


  • $0.00


Anyone tryna shred Saturday? As long as the weathers good, Im going to try and lead a trip to the Sherando trails. Join it! I can guarantee you won’t be let down.

Words of warning:
– the trail is physically difficult and somewhat technical.
– we will probably be walking the switchbacks on the way up.
– trail is 19 miles long with 3,200 ft of elevation gain.

Why it’s worth it:
– High quality single track makes prime habitat for shredders
– awesome ridge ride in the middle with beautiful vistas
– back half downhill part of the ride makes the climb worth the struggle.

What to Bring:
– small backpack for stuff you want to take along (Phone? ipod? gopro?)
– Mountain Bike (or tell me if you need one)
– Helmet
– 2 Water bottles
– Lunch &/or Snacks if you’re a human and into that kind of thing

Other stuff:

– If more people want to join than my car bike rack can accommodate, I will try to see if I can find another driver and up the number of attendees.
– My email is
– Departure/return time flexable,
– I could even do Sunday instead if that works better for folks.

Club Provides:
– Bikes (if needed)
– Helmets (if needed)

Adventure Cancelled

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