Echols Dorm: Brick Wall By Side Door
McAfee Knob
Does the combination of 270 degree views at the AT’s most picturesque vista, stellar company, and a hearty day of foot-shredding strike your fancy? Does 60-degrees-in-January weather / hours of televised grunting & tackling / the government NOT being shut down just make you wanna ascend a mountain?
We’ll head to Jefferson National Forest (crazy that TJ planted every tree by hand while writing the declaration — what a guy) for McAfee Knob, leaving at 10 and returning at around 6.
~~ The Hiking Upward scoop ~~
~~ You bring ~~
-Sustenance (lunch, snacks)
-Hydration (1.5-2 L)
-A car ride game more fun than “contact” (try to find one, you won’t)
~~ Spoilers ~~
*Drivers needed! Will be reimbursed plus 50% tip, waitlist priority, naming privileges for my firstborn, etc.