Echols Dorm: Brick Wall By Side Door
Peak Experiences Climbing Gym
Do you wish you can climb the 45-degree-sloping wall for breakfast? Well, climbing is not all about the muscles, but a lot of technique. Having proper techniques will not only allow you climb harder grades, but it also saves you a lot of energy.
If you are currently climbing 5.7-5.9, this workshop is just for you. I will be teaching some intermediate techniques:
Mainly focused on climbing overhangs (+ heel hooking)
Body awareness
Quick overview of different types of hold (slopers, crimps, side-pulls, jugs, under-clings, etc) and how to use them properly
Resting and recovering while climbing
Workshop I is about dynamic climbing – overhangs, dynos.
Workshop II will be about static climbing – balance, tiny holds + slopers, precise movements.
This will be an interactive hands-on class. I will explain the technique, then demonstrate the technique while climbing and finally, you will climb using what you learned.
A few lessons on climbing + more practice, you will be climbing 5.10s in no time. You are required to know how to belay, tie-in, and have climbed before.
Club Provides: gas money or a ride, climbing gear, the tool for climbing 5.9s and beyond, “D+” on your midterm but a good time regardless
You Provide: climbing gear that you own, $9 entrance fee, plenty of water, extra money for a possible Mongolian Grill afterwards
If you plan on just climbing all day on your own, please do not sign up for this trip. If you cannot attend, you must withdraw immediately due to the high demand for this workshop.
Drivers and a volunteer co-instructor (5.10+) will have the priorities.