Echols Dorm: Brick Wall By Side Door
Franklin Crag
Let’s get out and do some climbing this weekend! Franklin Crag is about 2hrs away and perfect for a day trip.
Climbers 5.9* and up are welcome to join. *(Meaning you can top rope a 5.9 without falling. Questions? Just email me.) Franklin isn’t a great beginner crag because of erosion and heavy use issues around the few beginner climbs.
Lead climbers get priority on this trip so we can spread out and have more climbs up. If you can’t lead climb, no worries, you’ll most likely be able to come anyways.
We’ll be leaving early, so please arrange to get gear from the gear room if you need anything before the trip!
What to bring: shoes, raincoat, climbing gear, lunch (already packed! – no gas station stops), 2L+ water, camera, your weird climbing pants that you can’t be seen in public with, $ for dinner on the ride home, and a pack to carry it all in
Club provides: ga$ reimbursement, gear you need, buckets of fun, and an adventurous mountain spirit
** If it rains, we’ll head out to Peak. The meet up time will change from 8am to 11am.