Echols Dorm: Brick Wall By Side Door
Peak Experiences Climbing Gym
Taking over for the mighty Hammer this Thursday in our weekly trip to peak.
You know what’s up already, but here are the ‘tails.
Peak Experiences. Echols, 5:30, climb till 10, get back by 11:30.
Climb for $9.
If you do not know how to belay, you can sign up for a class ($30, call to reserve) in the future. Belay class schedule is as follows:
Monday – Friday 6:30pm
Wednesday 9:30am
Saturdays at 1:00pm and 6:30pm
Sundays at 1:00pm
On Thursday, the class will be $15 (Half off on college night!)
Once you take the class, you can get belay certified as early as the next day AND get a two week free trial membership. Call and make a reservation. 804 897 6800.
Not new to climbing, but not belay certified? Two options: bouldering, or taking the belay test and get certified (call to make the reservation).
If you need gear, please attend the Tuesday gear room whenever that may be. Look out for an email.
Thrown something up in the air and be inspired –