Echols Dorm: Brick Wall By Side Door
Franklin Crag
This is a day trip to Frankling.
5.7+ climbers are welcome. there can be both top rope and sport climbing. There are routes up to 5.11d there.
There will not be any workshop. so you can only sport climb if you have done it before or you have taken its workshop.
The trip size is restricted to 1 it means everybody goes to waitlist. I will select 10 people based on random on Wed night. This way, those who don’t have access to internet every 5 minutes have chance to join the trip.
It will be cold (50-) so be prepared. hat and gloves. warm underwear. if it is sunny the rocks get sunshine (there are no leaves now) so should be fine.
NOTE : the trip is subject to change due to the weather. I will let you know in advance.
The club provides: All climbing gear, Gas refund
You please bring: proper clothes, snacks, water and lunch. we may also stop for dinner so you may want to bring few bux.