Echols Dorm: Brick Wall By Side Door
New River Gorge
I’m dancing in my pants excited to go climbing. And you should come along.
We’ll leave here Sat. early afternoon and return Sun. late. Anyone who can climb 5.8+ is welcome to join. We’ll be sport climbing mostly, with possibly a bit of trad thrown in the mix. I can teach how to lead belay and clean if you’re interested. We probably won’t do any intensive lead climbing instruction this weekend.
Summersville is a definite on the list this weekend, so bring something to get wet in. Second day location is up for grabs.
Club provides: camping and climbing gear, ga$$/car wear reimbursment, camp fee, food for the crag
You should bring: clothes, unless you prefer to climb naked, 2L water, $$ for food on the road, camera, sleeping and camping gear