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  • Sep 27
  • 03:30 PM
  • Walnut Creek Pavillion!


  • Sep 27
  • 05:00 PM
  • Also Walnut Creek Pavillion!!


  • Sep 27
  • 12:00 PM


  • $fairy dust


  • Walnut Creek Park, Walnut Creek Park, North Garden, VA, USA


Disclaimer: YOU must be off the waitlist for the Creekathon main trip to join

Hark yon creekathoners!

The fairy messengers alighted on my windowsill yesterday eve and told me they will be convening at Walnut Creek the day after Freekathon (what are the chances??). As local fairy ambassadors and stewards of the outdoors, I offered our assistance in constructing some picturesque, waterfront abodes for them to enjoy while in the area. Join me as we harness our creativity, fine motor skills, and extensive structural and architectural knowledge to build whimsical, artful, downright beautiful, stunning, gorgeous, crafty, crusty, grubcore, dazzling, daring, dreamy fairy houses.

3:30 arrive at Walnut Creek and gather our crew
build fairy houses!
~5:00 return to the main pavilion

LNT Blurb!
fairies don’t like to see live things being torn up and used for their houses so we only use materials that are already dead or can be incorporated from where they are
also ! fairies like to be hidden from humans once they arrive. If your fairy house is visible from the trail then it will have to be torn down once we wrap up 🙁

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