Echols Dorm: Brick Wall By Side Door
Humpback Rocks
**This hike was originally scheduled for April 10th and then my enrollment time got scheduled for during the hike so to avoid having this mess with people’s schedules (mine included) I’m moving it up a week to the 17th**
I like crocs, you like crocs. Let’s croc about that.
Join me in summiting humpback in crocs** on April 17th*** to appreciate the majesty of the sunrise and this marvelous form of footwear.
Don’t have crocs? Then get some! Or steal them from your roommate. If your roommate doesn’t have them, get a new roommate (just kidding, I love you, Izzy). This trip is all about the crocs, and in signing up you are agreeing to bring some along with you. That’s why I’m giving you time to prepare by posting this trip two months in advance!
~ Here’s the plan ~
– Leave Echols NO LATER THAN 4:30 am
– Get to trailhead around 5:15
– 30 to 40ish minute hike up depending on how fast you hike
– 6:16 am reach the summit
– 6:36 sunrise croc pic!!!
– 6:37 hike back to the cars
– 7:10 am depart trailhead and arrive back to Charlottesville around 8:00, well in time for 9:00ams
~ You will need ~
– A pair of crocs
– 1-2L of water
– A headlamp or flashlight (headlamp strongly encouraged)
– Snacks if you want those
– Layers bc it will still be pretty cold out
– Sturdy shoes if you’re not climbing in your crocs
Can’t wait to do the croc walk with you all!
~ Drivers ~
– We love and need your (car) driving ability!
– Club pays for gas + 50% tip! (must have a full tank when we leave)
**You don’t have to actually hike in crocs, but you do need to bring them.
***Originally April 10