Echols Dorm: Brick Wall By Side Door
Devil's Marbleyard
I’ve been waiting for it to warm up enough to go to Devil’s Marbleyard, and if the weather holds out it’s gonna be AMAZING! This is my favorite hike!
The drive to Devil’s Marbleyard will take around 1.5-2 hours, and we’ll start up with a moderately easy 1.5 mile hike through the woods. From there, the mountain opens up into a 100 acre outcrop of granite rock, with rocks ranging in the size of “small pebbles to boulders the size of houses.” The grade is relatively steep, and you’ll have to use your hands to scramble 1/2-mile stretch to the top. The scramble is amazingly fun and provides some spectacular views, so it’s definitely worth the trip.
You provide: plenty of water for yourself, lunch, sturdy shoes, some kind of pack (you’ll need your hands free), sense of adventure
Club provides: seat in a car, gas money
Come on. You know you wanna.
Note: This trip is weather dependent! Wet rocks are no good for scrambling.