Corner Of Echols Dorm
Corner of Echols Dorm (or maybe I'll be nice and drop you somewhere close)
Rivanna River Park, Charlottesville, VA, USA
Whats up my nature admirers, this upcoming fall I am planning on doing a lot of observatory drawing of foliage because its one of my favorite things to do! Drawing nature is such an amazing mindful experience and teaches you how to ~really~ look and see. If you’re hoping to hone your sketching skillz or just take a break to exist in the moment this trip is for you!! No previous experience with drawing is necessary; id love to help. You may either bring your own supplies or I can supply paper/drawing utensils. You may want to bring a lil towel to sit on.
Friday morning is supposed to be beautiful:D so heres the plan:
10am: Depart from Echols
10:15 Arrive at Rivanna River Park
10:15-10:30: Mosey a bit down the trail and pickup a natural found object to draw! Also find a good spot to sit (probably the lawn of the park)
10:30-11:30ish: drawing and chatting and snacking as you please
Around 11:45: pack up and head back to car
Around noon: Head back to Echols!
And thats it! Excited to see what your beautiful minds create<3
P.S. ill show you how to identify pawpaw trees