115 Harmon Street
James River - Richmond
Its going to be 80 degrees in Richmond and the river is up. The water level should be around 7 feet on Friday, so you need to be an experienced paddler to join up for this one. Class III-IV- rapids. That means you have to have been on class III+ rapids a number of times and be able to roll in them. Check out http://www.americanwhitewater.org/rivers/id/1952I for a description of the rapids on the section we’ll be paddling. I’d also like to make it to Legends this time for a little afternoon food and drink so bring your ID and some money. If you’re unfamiliar with Legends, its a microbrewery and restaurant that has delicious beer. The club will provide all the gear you don’t have (boat, paddle, lifejacket, skirt, helmet). I’m listing the departure time as 11:00 but if anyone wants to leave later, let me know.