Echols Dorm: Brick Wall By Side Door
Dragon's Tooth
Hey guys, I’m reposting my trip to hopefully generate a little more interest among you folks with vehicles! I want to take as many people as possible to this magnificent place, but I can’t do that without you beautiful car-owning souls.
Comrades, dragon slayers if you will,
I’m looking to head down to Dragon’s Tooth, the last but not least peak on Virginia’s mighty triple crown. At the top, I along with anybody daring enough to scurry up the actual “tooth”, will enjoy some magnificent 360 views. Then we can settle in for a cozy night of simple living – telling stories, sharing laughs, breathing fresh air and whatever else our hearts desire.
Here’s the plan Stan:
We’ll meet at Echols at 1pm on Saturday and promptly skedaddle on out of Hooville. We’ll drive about 2 hours down to Catawba, VA where we’ll hop on the trail and head up the mountain. It’s roughly 2 miles to the top of the mountain with some pretty steep and rocky terrain on the latter half of the hike. All said and done, should take us 45min-1hr to get to the top. This puts us on the summit around 4 o’clock with plenty of time for some view admiring and camp assembly before the sun sets at 6:08.
The next Day we’ll get up at sunrise (7am), eat breakfast and head out around 8:30am. Probably arrive back in cville at around 11:30am.
For more info about the hike check out this link:
What I’ll bring:
– tents for everyone(These will not all go in my pack so make sure to leave some room in yours)
– A stove and fuel for boiling water and heating food (If you have your own, I recommend that you bring it because my fuel will only go so far)
What to bring:
-backpacking backpack(not your school backpack)
-sleeping bag and sleeping pad
-sturdy shoes to hike in
-non-cotton clothes to hike in
-clothes to stay warm in (will likely be very chilly)
-rain jacket/ poncho in case of rain
-WATER (3-4 Liters)
-food and snacks (something to eat with if thats nonobvious)
-toothbrush and toothpaste
-trashbag/s to rainproof clothes and gear
If you need any gear, most of it is available to check out at the gear room. Look out for emails containing gear room hours, these get sent out weekly. I’ll be heading to the gear room at some point to pick up the tents, so if you need anything for the trip and can’t make it to the gear room shoot me an email and I can grab it for you (please don’t do this last minute though).
And remember to watch out for fire-breath! … Sorry, bad joke.
Oh and DRIVERS!!!! I would very much like to use you and your car to make this trip possible! You’ll get priority off the waitlist & get reimbursed for gas + 50% tip