Climbing (Sport) Climbing (Sport)
Climbing (Top Rope) Climbing (Top Rope)


  • Apr 29
  • 10:00 AM
  • Corner Of Echols Dorm


  • Apr 29
  • 06:00 PM
  • Your Comfy Bed


  • Apr 28
  • 08:00 PM


  • $zero dollers yippee!


  • RVA Free Climbing Wall, Richmond, VA, USA


Gamers hello,

Man, there sure have been a lot of awesome lead climbing trips recently, and there are a couple super awesome climbing trips coming up. Makes me wonder… how much of the club knows how to lead climb? How many people have been staring at these trips, wishing they possessed the knowledge and skills requisite for these adventures? Well…. wish no more! This Saturday, me (adam) and one of your amazing officers (do i even need to say their name???) will be taking a select group of prospective lead climbers to our state’s lead climbing learning capitol, and actual capitol ig, man wall!

In order to come, we have a few requests from you as a climber. This is a lead climbing beginner trip, and we will only be going over lead climbing stuff; so in order to come, you must have experience with top rope climbing and belaying. If this is not the case for you, do not fret! There will be many a beginner climbing trip posted (probably) in the coming weeks, months, etc. All that being said, we will be letting people off the waitlist based on their climbing experience. More specifically, we will save one spot for a more experienced lead climber, and the other four slots for new lead climbers (with top rope experience).

Since this is a beginner trip, we will be climbing relatively easy grades (5’6-5’8), and maybe some harder stuff if people are feeling ready/if we wanna set up a top rope.

Stuff YOU bring:
– 2L water
– Climbing harness
– Climbing helmet
– Belay device + locker
– Chalk
– Snacks/lunch

Stuff melun and i will bring:
– 3ish Ropes
– lotsa quick draws
– fun awesome anchor stuff!
– yippee!!!!




Trips Attended: 81 Trips Led: 21



Trips Attended: 88 Trips Led: 40

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