116 Washington Avenue - A.K.A. Shred Shack
The Rotunda, University Avenue, Charlottesville, VA, USA
The climate action march is calling for a fossil-fuel-free future, both within UVA and the larger Charlottesville community. Student and community organizers will have the opportunity to give speeches and presentations throughout the march. The goal of this event is to engage the community in calling for bold climate action and environmental justice.
As people who love the outdoors and bask ourselves daily in its beauty and sunshine, it is our job to advocate for our planet. Let’s get together and support. I am thinking there are two ways to do this: 1) a group of us can bike with me (Eliza) from the Shred Shack around 2:30 for those that want a little bike ride jaunt pre-climate march. or 2) you can just meet us at the Rotunda! Just indicate which one you prefer in the trip questions so we can make sure there are enough bikes for all that want to bike 🙂
We might be in touch w people closer to the event for potential pre-march sign making at the shred shack so stay tuned for that!