Echols Dorm: Brick Wall By Side Door
Wintergreen Resort
Last chance to ski or board the slopes of Wintergreen. Each year they pile all of their snow from the Dobies and terrain park to make one massive terrain park with rediculous rails, ramps, spines, and pipes. They also have music, food, and all sorts of fun. This goes on from 10-5 with a free style jump competition at 12, and costume judging contest at 1:30, and a pond skimming competition at 2. The pond skimming thing looks fun – they make a pond at the bottom of the slope with snow as the banks of the pond, you ski or board down and if you do it right, you skim across. You can imagine what happens if you do it wrong. My plan is to leave town at 10:30, get up there for a couple hours of terrain park fun, try the pond skimming thing with no plans to compete in anything (though I may don a costume of sorts), and head back soon thereafter with a stop at the wonderful Blue Ridge Pig en route home. We can figure out driving situations if people want to stay longer. I’m setting the max attendees to 5, since that’s how many people I can transport, but can expand the trip if other drivers sign up.
The cost is free for season pass holders. For those that do not have season passes, the lift tickets are $43.
You don’t get many chances to pull 360s in a T-shirt, so come enjoy the last day of tricks at Wintergreen with me! Don’t forget to bring $$ for the Blue Ridge Pig.
For more info about the bash check out: